Our company, BARBIER Group, received in 2019 the first European label award which values the action of plastics manufacturers for the circular economy and the integration of recycled plastics in production! This label welcomes our commitments to reduce the environmental footprint linked with the manufacture of our products by promoting the use of recycled raw materials.
Indeed, thanks to its technical expertise, the BARBIER group incorporated in 2019 more than 19,000 tonnes of recycled raw materials (MPR) in its products which represents around 20% of the group’s production, and this value is constantly growing. This is an average, depending on our products, the reincorporation rate can vary from 0% to 100%. For example, our range of Recyplast industrial packaging products incorporates up to 50% of MPR, and we introduce recycled raw materials into increasingly technical products. By 2025, we plan to reach an average incorporation rate of about 40% ! To find out more about the Group’s environmental commitment, do not hesitate to visit the “Environment” section of our website.
Bags with 80% MPR (Recycled Plastics)

What is the MORE label?
Created by the Federation of Plastics and Composites in 2019, the MORE label is awarding manufacturers who source recycled plastics in their production. It is allocated each year on the basis of declarations of the volumes of recycled raw materials consumed. This label is based on the MORE platform, a digital tool launched in May 2019 by EuPC.
The label aims to help the plastics industry to become more circular and more sustainable:
- by collecting the volume of recycled polymers used by plastic processing companies to create new products
- by stimulating greater adoption of recycled polymers.
Incorporating recycled materials, what impacts?
By using recycled polymers in our production process, the BARBIER group reduces its carbon impact: reducing the consumption of virgin plastic (fossil fuels) and each time a tonne of recycled plastics replaces a tonne of material from oil, this corresponds to asavings of 3 tonnes of carbon (source: SRP) but not only!
The benefits of incorporating MPR into our product
The Barbier Group, producer of polyethylene films and recycler, is fully committed in a transition to a more sustainable model. The awarding of this MORE label fully testifies to the group’s environmental commitment.