Our newsVisit Mr. Prefect and Mr. Sub-Prefect By Celine MILLIEN 11 October 2023Thursday October 5, 2023, we had the great pleasure of receiving Mr. Yvan Cordier, Prefect…Read more
Our newsMembership Union of Plastics Regenerators By Celine MILLIEN 9 June 2023The Barbier Group joins the Syndicate of Plastics Regenerators (SRP). This membership constitutes a new…Read more
Our newsVisit from the Sub-Prefect of Yssingeaux, Mr Fabrice Bonicel By Celine MILLIEN 14 November 2022On Wednesday 09/11/2022, we had the pleasure of receiving a visit from the Sub-Prefect of…Read more
Our newsMORE Label 2022 : MObilized to REcycle By Celine MILLIEN 10 June 2022The Group Barbier is pleased to receive for the fourth consecutive year the MORE label…Read more
Our newsCertification “Incorporation of Recycled Plastic Materials” By Celine MILLIEN 7 April 2022The use of Recycled Plastic Materials (RPM) is one of the pillars of the circular…Read more
Our newsClean Sweep Operation By Celine MILLIEN 26 January 2022Every year, in Europe, 41,000 tonnes of industrial plastics, in the form of granules or…Read more
Our newsThe Barbier Group awarded at the Flexostars 2021 By Celine MILLIEN 28 December 2021During the 34st ceremony of the Flexostars competition on December 16th 2021, the BARBIER Group…Read more
Our newsMORE Label 2021 : MObilized to REcycle By Celine MILLIEN 4 November 2021For the third consecutive year, BARBIER Group received MORE label. Nicolas DELORME, Territorial Delegate Auvergne…Read more
Our newsThe Sea Cleaners check remittance – the 12th of October 2021 By Celine MILLIEN 18 October 2021During the Pollutec trade fair 2021, the BARBIER Group presented a check for € 4,115…Read more
Our newsVisit of the Prefect and the Sub-Prefect of Haute-Loire By Celine MILLIEN 30 September 2021On Friday September 17, 21, we received the Prefect of Haute-Loire and the Sub-Prefect in…Read more